To become aware of energy efficient design and construction that will save energy, cost less to operate, and have less of a negative impact on the natural environment.

The student will recognize that there are ethical standards to which they should adhere when building a structure and that having such standards can secure more work for them in the future.

As a carpenter you have a chance to influence the utility bills of the structure you build. By understanding energy efficient construction principles and applying them to your work, you can reduce the energy required to run that building. To be ethical in your job means you have a moral duty to do what is right. Part of this duty is to develop good work habits providing your client with the best possible job you can do. This pays off in two major ways. First, by providing good work, you are building on a reputation giving you the long term employment security you want. The second major advantage of good work ethics is the pride and self esteem that comes from knowing what you have done is RIGHT

Having energy ethics means that you follow the principles of energy efficient construction. This usually means that the way you build the structure can affect the heat gain and the heat loss from the structure to the natural environment. Small steps taken to provide better energy efficiency add up to a yearly utility savings which can make a big difference to your client. Building a tighter building which decreases infiltration is a good example.

In addition to helping your client save money and providing a better reputation for yourself, you are working towards providing a better world in which to live. One of the major reasons we have such environmental problems today is our mismanagement of energy in the past. As stewards of the Earth we have wasted scarce resources because we thought the resources we used for energy were endless. It wasn't until the early 1970's, when we had an energy shortage/crisis, that we realized how limited these resources were and how wasteful we were in using them. It also became obvious to us that in using these natural resources to satisfy our over-dependence on energy, we were polluting the atmosphere around the Earth which we depend upon to sustain life. It is important for your client to understand the savings you can provide.

If through your energy efficient construction knowledge you were able to save your client 25% on his utility bill every month, how much would you save over the length of his mortgage (loan for building house). Estimate the savings based on a 30 year mortgage with a normal utility bill of $200 per month.

Write a paragraph discussing the reasons why you, as a carpenter, should build an energy efficient structure. Discuss your reasoning with your instructor and/or class.

You may provide different students with different figures for comparison. Up to 50% and more can be saved with energy efficient construction.

$200 x .25 = $50 X 12 months X 30 years = $18,000

Architecture and Allied Design. A. C. Antoniades, Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 3rd Ed., 1992.

Smart is Beautiful. E. F. Schumacher. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1973.

Comments or questions to: TechAsmt@LA.GOV

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