Name of Institution:________________________

Phone: _________________________________

Fax: ___________________________________

E-Mail Address: __________________

Mailing Address: _________________

Summary of Project Description & Capital
Funding Needs:





On behalf of this institution, I request interest rate
reduction assistance under the Energy Fund program, and agree to provide the Department of Natural Resources with quarterly reports for the initial year verifying actual energy savings as measured in trillions of BTU’s.

Printed Name: ___________________

Signature: ______________________

Date: ___________________________

For more information on the Energy Fund, contact
the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources.

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Technology Assessment Division
Energy Section
P.O. Box 44156
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4156
(225) 342-1399
Fax (225)342-1397


The Louisiana
Department of
Natural Resources
Energy Fund

Providing a low cost finance option
to public institutions interested in
performance contracting.

The Energy Fund is a public-private cooperative
endeavor that provides publicly funded entities the
low-cost financing necessary to implement
energy conservation strategies.

Funds are available through the Department of 
Natural Resources, in coordination with the 
Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, and may be
used for guaranteed shared savings contracts, also
known as performance contracts.

In addition to performance contracting, other
types of energy-efficient initiatives may qualify for
the Energy Fund and will be reviewed on a case-
by-case basis
  Detach and mail to:
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Technology Assessment Division
Energy Section
P.O. Box 44156 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-4156
(225) 342-1399 Fax (225) 342-1397
What are  the eligibility requirements?
 The Energy Fund is available to all publicly funded 
 institutions implementing energy conservation 
 measures under a performance-based energy 
 efficiency contract. Further, funding must be used 
 exclusively to provide interest rate reduction on 
 third-party energy conservation loans to publicly 
 funded institutions domiciled in Louisiana.  
What is performance  contracting? 
 According to Louisiana state law, R.S. 39:1484, 
 a performance-based energy efficiency contract 
 means a contract for energy efficiency services and 
 equipment in which the payment obligation for 
 each year of the contract is either:
•   Set as a percentage of the annual energy cost 
    savings attributable to the services or 
    equipment under the contract, or
  Guaranteed by the person under contract to be 
    less than the annual energy cost savings 
    attributable to the services or equipment under 
    the contract.               
 What are  the dates of enrollment?
 Open enrollment period is from January through 
 March each year. During the enrollment period, 
 taxpayer funded entities will be able to submit 
 assistance requests to the Department of Natural 
 How do I apply for Energy Funds? 
 Fill out the Energy Fund Assistance Request Form, 
 detach it, and return it to the address provided on 
 the form. Or fill in an on-line version at /energy/financial/index.html What happens when a request is accepted? Qualifying projects will be pooled by the Louisiana
 Public  Facilities Authority to achieve further 
 economies of scale in transaction costs. A "private 
 bond issue" backed by the pooled projects will 
 generate funds.               
 The Department of Natural Resources will provide 
 credit enhancement to partially 'buy down" the 
 interest rate associated with the bond issue. This 
 buy down will make the cost of financing more 
 affordable, especially for entities with a poor credit 
 rating or no credit rating at all.
 Energy Fund recipients are required to provide the 
 Department of Natural Resources, on a quarterly 
 basis, the first full year's energy savings as 
 measured in trillions of BTU's and dollars.
  Six Benefits of Performance Contracting  
  1. Better Buildings
Updating or replacing equipment that is old
or obsolete with newer, more efficient
technologies, results in higher quality systems,
fewer breakdowns, and reduced maintenance
costs. When building occupants experience
improved lighting, better air quality, and more
comfortable room temperatures, they are likely
to be happier and more productive.

2. A Wise Investment
Energy performance contracting lets you invest
money in building improvements that would
otherwise be spent on energy bills. For
governments, this means making better use of
limited budgets and putting taxpayers' money
where it really counts

3. Improvements without Sacrifice
Performance contracting lets you tackle energy-
efficient projects even if no funds are available.
This means you can still afford improvements
when faced with budget cuts or competing
priorities. Performance contracting is a budget-
neutral vehicle that allows you to take a
comprehensive approach toward optimizing
your benefits.

4. Cost Savings
Newer systems and equipment can reduce
energy costs. In addition to long-term
maintenance costs, most buildings realize
energy savings of 15 to 35 percent. Once the
equipment is paid off, you keep all the savings
plus any excess of the guarantee during the
contract term.

5. Proven Technology and Expertise
Since the late 1970's, performance contracting
has become a widely accepted and reliable way
to make energy improvements. Today's Energy
Service Companies, often called ESCOs, follow
industry standards, use proven energy saving
technologies, and have excellent track records
for satisfied customers. An ESCO is your
partner in making sure savings are achieved
throughout the contract term.

6. One-Stop Shopping
Performance contracting offers a streamlined
approach to facility improvements. With a
single contract you can tackle multiple energy-
efficient projects, rather than doing one project
at a time. ESCOs provide a full range of
services and work hard to ensure optimal long-
term energy performance.