Calendar of Events

Thursday | September 27, 2018 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Moss Bluff Public Library located at 261 Parish Road, Lake Charles, LA.

Department of Natural Resources
Office of Conservation
Injection & Mining Division

Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream, LLC
Sulphur Mines Salt Dome, Calcasieu Parish
Docket No. IMD 2018-05

Pursuant to provisions of the laws of the State of Louisiana and particularly Title 30 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 as amended, and provisions of Statewide Order 29 M (LAC 43:XVII, Subpart 3), notice is hereby given that the Commissioner of Conservation will conduct a public hearing at 6:00 p.m., September 27, 2018. The hearing will be held in the Moss Bluff Public Library located at 261 Parish Road, Lake Charles, LA.

At such hearing, the Commissioner, or his designated representative, will give any interested person the opportunity to present testimony, facts, or oral or written comments relative to a draft permit (Order) concerning applications from Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream, LLC of 4470 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite B, Baton Rouge, LA, 70809 to convert and operate two existing Class III brine extraction wells to Class II hydrocarbon storage wells in the Sulphur Mines Salt Dome at the Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream Sulphur Facility, 2210 West Burton, Sulphur, LA in Section 29, Township 9 South, Range 10 West near Sulphur, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. Application No. 38238 was previously announced in public notices dated February 25, 2016 and August 2, 2017. Application No. 39069 was previously announced in public notices dated March 14, 2017 and August 2, 2017.

The two proposed conversion wells are identified as Sulphur Storage Well No. 004 and Sulphur Storage Well No. 005. Hydrocarbon storage is proposed to occur initially at an approximate depth of 4,500 feet below ground level. The base of the lowermost underground source of drinking water at the specific facility location occurs at an approximate depth of 910 feet below ground level.

A copy of the draft permit (Order), a fact sheet, or information concerning the applications may be obtained by writing Mrs. Kellie McNamara at the address below or by calling (225) 342-5561. Written comments concerning the applications must be received by the Office of Conservation no later than 4:00 p.m., September 28, 2018. Submit all comments to Mr. Stephen H. Lee, LA Office of Conservation, Injection & Mining Division, P.O. Box 94275, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 9275. Comments may also be faxed to (225) 342-3094. Please reference: Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream, LLC, Class II Permit Application Numbers 38238 and 39069, Docket No. IMD 2018-05.

The applications are available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday in the Injection & Mining Division Office, Rm. 817, of the LaSalle Building, 617 North 3rd Street, Baton Rouge, LA. The applications is also available at the Moss Bluff Public Library located at 261 Parish Road, Lake Charles, LA and at the Sulphur City Hall located at 101 North Huntington Street, Sulphur, LA.

All persons having interest in the aforesaid shall take notice thereof.

By order of:

Richard P. Iyeoub
Commissioner of Conservation