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State Mineral and Energy Board announces results of January Lease Sale

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Baton Rouge- The Louisiana Mineral and Energy Board conducted its monthly meeting and lease sale on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 in the LaBelle Room of the LaSalle Office Building in Baton Rouge. 

The Board collected $419,447 in bonus revenue for the January lease sale. The current 2019-2020 total bonus payment is approximately $1.48 million. At this month’s lease sale, there were 9 leases covering 1,300 acres sold. The leases were located in DeSoto, Iberia, Plaquemines, Red River, St. Martin and Vermilion parishes. 

The total bonus payments to the state for the previous fiscal year, 2018-2019, amounted to $14.1 million.

January 2020 Lease Sale Results

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