Consistency GIS Planning Tool

The Consistency GIS Planning Tool returns a report for multiple features that are reviewed during the Consistency Determination process.  The report includes the Run Time, which includes the date and time that the report was run. This information is important, because these data sets are subject to change. This report should be used as a planning and reference tool only, it is NOT an official determination of Consistency.

The report results are color coded to indicate if a potential resource conflict may exist (see table below for further explanation):  

RED indicates that the project location is on or within the buffer of a coastal resource, and interagency coordination may be required

GREEN indicates that the project location is NOT within the buffer of a coastal resource

In addition, there may be links to the SONRIS Live Map, Data Access, and Document Access.  

The report provides the following information regarding coastal resources:

Coastal Feature Description
Parish Identifies what parish/parishes the project is located in
Coastal Zone Identifies if the project is located in the Louisiana Coastal Zone
Conservation Plan Identifies if the project is located in the Louisiana Conservation Plan Boundary
Fastlands Identifies if the project is located wholly within an area defined by the Office of Coastal Management (OCM) as a fastland
Wildlife Management Area Identifies if the project is located on a Louisiana Wildlife Management Area. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
National Wildlife Area Identifies if the project is located on a National Wildlife Management Area. This may require additional coordination with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Scenic Rivers Identifies if the project is located on or near a Louisiana Scenic River. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
LNHP Data Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified by the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program (LNHP). This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
Chenier Identifies if the project is located on an identified coastal chenier
OCS Blocks Identifies the block(s) associated with Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities
8G Block Identifies the block(s) associated with Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Activities. These activities may require further coordination with the Louisiana Department of Energy and Natural Resources - Office of Conservation.
LDWF Reefs Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified as an artificial reef site. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
Sand Resources Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified potential sediment resource. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA).
Marine Minerals Program Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified potential sediment resource. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA).
Fairway/Anchorage Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified Corps of Engineers Shipping Fairway or Anchorage Site. This may require additional coordination with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USCOE).
CPRA Projects Polygons Identifies if the project is located on or near Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority project. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA).
Oyster Seed Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified as an oyster seed ground. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
Oyster Lease Identifies if the project is located on or near an area identified with oyster leases. This may require additional coordination with Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
Habitat_Dis_88 U.S. Geological Survey, National Wetlands Research Center wetland habitat data from 1988 for the Gulf of Mexico Coast. This data set classifies wetlands and upland areas. If your project is located within a wetland area, additional coordination may be required with federal, state and local agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands.    
NWI Habitat U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland Inventory (NWI) Data set that digitizes wetlands and deepwater habitats.  Note: there may be differences between polygon boundaries and actual conditions on site. If your project is located within a wetland area, additional coordination may be required with federal, state and local agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands.  
Mitigation Areas Areas designated as mitigation banks and/or serve as compensatory mitigation for activities within the coastal zone. This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
Permit Polygons Areas where a Coastal Use Permit has been received for a polygon feature (i.e. neighborhood, levee construction, industrial complex). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
Permit Points Areas where a Coastal Use Permit has been received for a point feature (i.e. oil and gas well, single family dwelling, mooring piles). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.
Permit Lines Areas where a Coastal Use Permit has been received for a linear feature (i.e. utility lines, pipelines, and flowlines). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.
Permit Seismic Areas where a Coastal Use Permit has been received for a 3D seismic project. This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
OCM Enforcements Areas that have been identified with potential violations and/or compliance issues. This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
Consistency Polygons Areas where a Consistency Determination request has been received for a polygon feature (i.e. levee construction, river channel dredging, marsh creation projects). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
Consistency Points Areas where a Consistency Determination request has been received for a point feature (i.e. soil borings, oil and gas wells, docking facilities). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.  
Consistency Lines Areas where a Consistency Determination request has been received for a linear feature (e.g. pipelines, utility lines, access routes). This may require additional coordination with federal, state, and local commenting agencies.