Greetings from the Department of Natural Resources Atchafalaya Basin Program

KATC: Atchafalaya Basin Part 2 |
The Daily Iberian: When brothers visit, it's all about fishing, enjoying area |
The Advocate: Father's Day 2014: Son's ingenuity lets his blind father enjoy hunting |
The Advocate: The Advocate's 'Joe Mac' is Mr. Versatility |
Houma Today: High crawfish prices offset late haul |
KATC: St. Martin Parish speaks against new oil/gas facility by basin |
Times-Picayune: 60 years after first transportable offshore oil rig, much has changed, St. Mary Parish newspaper reports |
Louisiana Sportsman: Mister Twister's Magnum Sin-Sation |
Save the Date: |
A Louisianian's Grand Tour in the Belle Époque exhibit at Delphine Plantation from May 10 - July 20 |
Shadows on the Teche children's camp from June 16-20 |
LDWF "Bear With Us" Educator Workshop Offered June 17-18 |
Stand Up Paddleboarding Trip at Lake Martin on June 18th |
Seed to Skillet : Companion planting, pickles & pesto at Vermilionville on June 21st |
Docent Training at Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site on June 21st |
Prehistoric Mounds Tour at Marksville State Historic Site on June 21st |
Piastres en Masse at Vermilionville on June 21st |
Bushman Craft at Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site on June 28th |
Evangeline, the Movie July 1st-31st, 2014 daily showing Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site at 1:30 pm |
Howl at the Moon Evening Paddle at Lake Martin, Pack & Paddle, Friday July 11th |
Students, age 10 and up, can keep their Francophone skills sharp during this immersive program by participating in a number of activities, all the while speaking only in French. Activities will include animal care, woodworking, gardening, and many other tasks of daily life on an early Acadian or Creole homestead. French Fridays at Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site on July 11th, 18th and 25th |
Pine Needle Basketry at Marksville State Historic Site on July 11th |
Bayou Grand Gueule Afternoon Paddle, Pack & Paddle, Saturday July 12th |
Les Mains Guidées : Edible Wild Plants on July 12th at Vermilionville |
2014 Wood Stork & Wading Bird Event at South Farm - Sherburne WMA on July 19th |
Send in your Basin Pics!
Let us know if you have an upcoming event to promote the Basin!
Checking the water: The information below is obtained from the USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and has been compiled by DNR into this format to allow a quick look at information pertinent to the Atchafalaya Basin. Click here for current weather conditions and water levels.
Data is for 6/17/2014
Mississippi River at Cairo Location: Southernmost gauge on the Ohio River in Illinois Reading significance - used to forecast rises on the Mississippi. Lag time, 4 to 6 days. Flood Stage: 40' Stage: 32.3' 24 hour change -0.5' Forecast: expect to FALL to 26.5' by 6/21
Mississippi River, just south of ORCS, at Red River Landing Reading: Mississippi River south of ORCS, after the diversion into the Atchafalaya Flood Stage: 48' Stage: 41.2' 24 hour change +0.5' Forecast: expect to RISE to 43.0' by 6/21
Mississippi River at Baton Rouge Flood Stage: 35' Stage: 25.2' 24 hour change +0.6' Forecast: expect to RISE to 26.9' by 6/21
Mississippi River at New Orleans Flood Stage: 17' Stage: 8.2' 24 hour change +0.4' Forecast: expect to RISE to 9.0' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River, just south of ORCS, at Simmesport Reading: The combined latitudinal flows of the Red, Black, Ouachita, and ORCS flow from the Mississippi Flood Stage: 47' Stage: 20.97' Forecast: expect to RISE to 22.6' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River at Melville Flood Stage: 34' Stage: 15.45' Forecast: expect to RISE to 17.1' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River at Krotz Springs Flood Stage: 29' Stage: 13.76' Forecast: expect to RISE to 15.5' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River above Butte Larose Flood Stage: 20' Stage: NO READING AT THIS TIME Forecast: expect to be 10.7' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River at Bayou Sorrell Locks on the GIWW Flood Stage: 12' Stage: 6.0' Forecast: expect to RISE to 6.4' by 6/21
Atchafalaya at Millet (Myette) Point Flood Stage: 15' Stage: 6.66' Forecast: expect to RISE to 6.9' by 6/21
Atchafalaya River at Morgan City Flood Stage: 6' Stage: 3.76' Forecast: expect to RISE to 4.1' by 6/21
Murphy Lake near Bayou Sorrel Stage: 11.36'
Lower Grand River at Bayou Sorrel Stage: 9.04'
Bayou Courtableau Stage: 19.10'
Buffalo Cove at Round Island Stage: 7.42'
Arm of Grand Lake near Crook Chene Stage: 9.24'
Middle Fork, Bayou Long Stage: 4.72'
Pontoon Bridge at Butte Larose Stage: 8.23'
Bayou Darby at Fausse Pt. Cut Stage: 13.82'
Lake Pelba at I-10, Henderson Stage: 12.22'