Greetings from the Department of Natural Resources Atchafalaya Basin Program!

USACE: Corps deactivates Phase II flood fight |
The Advertiser: Annual fete celebrates Acadian struggle and survival |
KATC: 80th annual Shrimp and Petroleum Festival set for Labor Day Weekend |
The Advocate: Young outdoorsmen honored by La. Outdoor Writers Association |
Avoyelles Today: 'Country Store' offers look at rural Avoyelles |
WVUE: Heart of Louisiana: Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station |
Save the Date:
National Day of the Acadians, Aug. 15, 250th anniversary of the arrival of the early French refugees who carved out a unique lifestyle for themselves in the South Louisiana soil. Throughout the day, interpretive rangers from Longfellow-Evangeline SHS will showcase the material culture of the early Acadians. 10 am to 6 pm in St. Martinville. |
Adoration On The Teche, a Eucharistic procession along Bayou Teche will take place from Leonville to St. Martinville, Aug. 15 at 8 am |
Delcambre Shrimp Festival, Aug. 12 - 16 at the Shrimp Festival Grounds in Delcambre |
Mississippi River Commission low-water inspection trip public meeting, Aug. 21 at 9 am at City Dock above the USS Kidd in Baton Rouge |
Bushcraft, Aug. 22 from 9 to 10 am at the Longfellow-Evangeline State Historic Site in St. Martinville |
Cajun Prairie Habitat Preservation Society Meeting, Aug. 29 from 8 am to 12 pm in Eunice |
Bayou Vermilion Novice Canoe/Kayak Lesson & Guided Paddle Trip, Aug. 29 from 8:30 to 11:30 am at Vermilionville |
Howl at the Moon Lake Martin Paddle Trip, Aug. 29 at 5 pm at Lake Martin in Lafayette |
La Table Francaise at NUNU's, Aug. 29, enjoy coffee and homemade treats while engaging in group conversation in French from 9am to noon in Arnaudville |
Rendez Vous des Cajuns, every Saturday in August at 4 pm at the Liberty Center in Eunice |
Shrimp and Petroleum Festival, Sept. 4-7 in Morgan City |
Send in your Basin Pics!
Let us know if you have an upcoming event to promote the Basin!
Checking the water: The information below is obtained from the USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and has been compiled by DNR into this format to allow a quick look at information pertinent to the Atchafalaya Basin. Click here for current weather conditions and water levels.
Data is for 8/11/2015
Ohio River at Cairo Location: Southernmost gauge on the Ohio River in Illinois Reading significance - used to forecast rises on the Mississippi. Lag time, 4 to 6 days. Flood Stage: 40' Stage: 25.6' 24 hour change: -0.4' Forecast: expect to FALL to 23.2' by 8/16
Mississippi River, just south of ORCS, at Red River Landing Reading: Mississippi River south of ORCS, after the diversion into the Atchafalaya Flood Stage: 48' Stage: 50.4' 24 hour change: -1.0' Forecast: expect to FALL to 46.0' by 8/16
Mississippi River at Baton Rouge Flood Stage: 35' Stage: 33.9' 24 hour change: -0.8' Forecast: expect to FALL to 29.5' by 8/16
Mississippi River at New Orleans Flood Stage: 17' Stage: 13.1' 24 hour change: -0.3' Forecast: expect to FALL to 10.5' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River, just south of ORCS, at Simmesport Reading: The combined latitudinal flows of the Red, Black, Ouachita, and ORCS flow from the Mississippi Flood Stage: 47' Stage: 28.5' Forecast: expect FALL to 26.1' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River at Melville Flood Stage: 34' Stage: 22.2' Forecast: expect to FALL to 20.0' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River at Krotz Springs Flood Stage: 29' Stage: 22.0' Forecast: expect to FALL to 18.3' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River above Butte Larose Flood Stage: 20' Stage: 15.0' Forecast: expect to FALL to 13.8' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River at Bayou Sorrell Locks on the GIWW Flood Stage: 12' Stage: 9.1' Forecast: expect to FALL to 8.4' by 8/16
Atchafalaya at Millet (Myette) Point Flood Stage: 15' Stage: 9.1' Forecast: expect to FALL to 8.8' by 8/16
Atchafalaya River at Morgan City Flood Stage: 6' Stage: 5.7' Forecast: expect to FALL to 5.4' by 8/16
Murphy Lake near Bayou Sorrel Stage: UNAVAILABLE
Lower Grand River at Bayou Sorrel Stage: 6.29'
Bayou Courtableau Stage: 18.70'
Middle Fork, Bayou Long Stage: 7.66'
Arm of Grand Lake near Crook Chene Stage: 13.18'
Pontoon Bridge at Butte Larose Stage: 11.27'
Lake Pelba at I-10, Henderson Stage: 15.17'
