Happy Earth Day from the Department of Natural Resources Atchafalaya Basin Program!
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Checking the water: The information below is obtained from the USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and has been compiled by DNR into this format to allow a quick look at information pertinent to the Atchafalaya Basin. Click here for current weather conditions and water levels.

Data is for 4/22/2016
Ohio River at Cairo Location: Southernmost gauge on the Ohio River in Illinois Reading significance - used to forecast rises on the Mississippi. Lag time, 4 to 6 days. Flood Stage: 40' Stage: 26.4' 24 hour change: -1.5' Forecast: expect to FALL to 21.8' by 4/27
Mississippi River, just south of ORCS, at Red River Landing Reading: Mississippi River south of ORCS, after the diversion into the Atchafalaya Flood Stage: 48' Stage: 46.3' 24 hour change: +0.2' Forecast: expect to RISE to 47.0' by 4/27
Mississippi River at Baton Rouge Flood Stage: 35' Stage: 29.9' 24 hour change: +0.1' Forecast: expect to RISE to 30.6' by 4/27
Mississippi River at New Orleans Flood Stage: 17' Stage: 11.5' 24 hour change: +0.1' Forecast: expect to RISE to 11.6' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River, just south of ORCS, at Simmesport Reading: The combined latitudinal flows of the Red, Black, Ouachita, and ORCS flow from the Mississippi Flood Stage: 47' Stage: 26.62' Forecast: expect to RISE to 27.5' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River at Melville FLOOD WARNING Flood Stage: 34' Stage: 20.51' Forecast: expect to RISE to 21.3' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River at Krotz Springs FLOOD WARNING Flood Stage: 29' Stage: 18.49' Forecast: expect to RISE to 19.1' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River above Butte Larose Flood Stage: 20' Stage: 13.77' Forecast: expect to RISE to 14.2' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River at Bayou Sorrell Locks on the GIWW Flood Stage: 12' Stage: 8.6' Forecast: expect to RISE to 8.9' by 4/27
Atchafalaya at Millet (Myette) Point Flood Stage: 15' Stage: 8.34' Forecast: expect to RISE to 8.7' by 4/27
Atchafalaya River at Morgan City Flood Stage: 6' Stage: 5.38' Forecast: expect to RISE to 5.6' by 4/27
Lower Grand River at Bayou Sorrel Stage: 7.27'
Fore Bay at Morganza Floodway Temporary Gage Stage: 40.92'
Bayou Courtableau Stage: 20.87'
Middle Fork, Bayou Long Stage: 6.87'
Arm of Grand Lake near Crook Chene Stage: 12.13'
Pontoon Bridge at Butte Larose Stage: 10.58'
Lake Pelba at I-10, Henderson Stage: 14.61'