Office of Conservation

Engineering Administrative>> Permits Section>>

Enhanced Recovery Pilot Projects

A pilot project is essentially a test project to determine how well production can be enhanced by using either water flood or gas injection to maintain the reservoir pressure. Once approved, pilot projects are valid for 6 months from commencing injection; to continue afterwards, a hearing must be held.

Application for a pilot project is a two-fold process with the Engineering Division and Injection and Mining Division. Please contact Injection and Mining Division for requirements of the UIC-2. Engineering Division application requirements are listed below:

  • Letter requesting and outlining the details of the Enhanced Recovery Pilot Project. At a minimum, this narrative should include the name of the operator; well name, number, and serial number (if permit exists) of all wells in project; reservoir name; plan of development; benefits and detriments of project.
  • Reservoir structure map showing the reservoir boundaries with all of the leases in the immediate area identified, the existing wells identified as proposed producers or injection, the approximate acreage of the reservoir, and the scale of the map.
    • Note: if the reservoir extends across multiple leases, approval letters will be required from all interested parties.
  • Reservoir production history to justify the need of the Pilot Project, either tabular or graphical format.
  • Portion of well log depicting definition of the reservoir.
  • Completed Enhanced Recovery Questionnaire:

The administrative pilot project application fee is currently $504 per reservoir for the Engineering Division. Approval must be granted by the Engineering Division and Injection and Mining Division prior to commencing the project.