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DNR announces Energy Awareness Month

Facts and Tips for Consumers found Online, FB, Twitter

Monday, October 2, 2017


October is Energy Awareness Month, aimed at promoting the importance of energy for our sustainability and environmental well-being. Louisiana and other states across the country support energy, water, and natural resources conservation efforts and particularly at this time of the year - push for citizens to get involved in becoming more energy efficient.


The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is the state’s lead government agency in promoting public understanding of our energy needs and simple ways to reduce the amount of energy we consume. DNR Secretary Thomas Harris said the agency advocates empowering citizens and our young people with educational information so that positive steps toward conserving resources can be made. Secretary Harris said, “the power behind behavioral efficiency lies with the consumer while industry must step up with strategies and investments to support energy savings for the future.”


Additionally, Secretary Harris said the department promotes alternative transportation fuel usage, energy efficiency projects, the use of renewal energy such as solar power, along with responsible energy exploration and development.


In this national effort, children’s educational activities are promoted so that they learn the concept of energy, and the role energy plays in the world around them. Fostering strong connections with energy and technology can create appreciation for the ways energy is a part of their lives, and helps them be mindful of the need for energy conservation to ensure future well-being.


During the month, DNR’s Office of Conservation and Energy Office plan to post daily facts, messages, and energy-savings tips on its Facebook and Twitter pages. The informational video and department’s website,  also encourage citizens to find valuable information on energy topics and to take proactive steps toward energy conservation.


La. Governor John Bel Edwards has proclaimed October as Energy Awareness Month, supporting the department’s efforts, particularly in sponsoring energy efficiency projects for homes, schools, businesses, industry and government facilities. Gov. Edwards Proclamation


Here’s a number of excellent web sources and references

La. Dept. of Natural Resources, Energy Office Programs


La. Dept. of Natural Resources, Energy Educational Links


La. DNR and Clean Cities/Fuels


LA House, LSU Ag Center Home and Landscape Resource Center


University of Louisiana-Lafayette Cleco Alternative Energy Center


US Department of Education, Features Energy


US Department of Environmental Quality -EPA


US Department of Energy –Home Checklist


US Department of Energy –Clean Energy


Energy Star Products



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