Technology Assessment Division
Louisiana Energy Facts and Figures
Gas Production
Click on the area to retrieve the data time series. The times series are similar to the ones in the Facts Annual.The data sources are published in the Facts Annual.
Natural Gas (Facts Annual Table 9)
Gas production from gas wells in Louisiana lands and water bottoms. Data is divided by region (north, south, and offshore) and total. Data from 1945 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
Casinghead Gas (Facts Annual Table 10)
Gas production from oil wells in Louisiana lands and water bottoms. Data is divided by region (north, south, and offshore) and total. Data from 1945 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
State Gas (Facts Annual Table 11)
Sum of natural gas and casinghead gas production in Louisiana lands and water bottoms. Data is divided by region (north, south, and offshore) and total. Data from 1945 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
Louisiana Gas (Facts Annual Table 12)
Sum of natural gas and casinghead gas production in Louisiana lands, water bottoms, and in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) adjacent to Louisiana and seaward of Louisiana Offshore region. Data is divided by region (onshore, offshore, and OCS) and total. Data from 1945 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
Marketed Gas (Facts Annual Table 13)
Sum of natural gas and casinghead gas sold from Louisiana lands, water bottoms, and in the OCS region, and gas volume after liquids' extraction. Data from 1980 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
Severance taxed Gas (Facts Annual Table 14)
State gas production recorded according to severance tax rate paid by MCF. Data is divided by tax rates and total. Data from 1980 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
Royalty Gas (Facts Annual Table 8)
State share as royalty from gas produced in state lands or water bottoms. Data from 1964 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.
OCS Gas (Facts Annual Table 15)
Natural gas and casinghead gas production from the Outer Continental Shelf adjacent to US's states and seaward of states offshore region. It contains annual data from 1954 through to the most recent available information.
United States Gas (Facts Annual Table 16)
Total natural gas and casinghead gas production in the United States and total imports. Data from 1980 through 1990 are annual only; and data from January, 1991 to the present are monthly data with annual totals.