Technology Assessment Division
The Technology Assessment Division is the technical and analytical arm of the Office of the Secretary. The Division assists the Secretary in analyzing and evaluating issues in areas affecting many of the offices of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources.
The Division's activities cross office jurisdictions and are performed primarily for use by the Secretary. It is also the U.S. Department of Energy point of contact, performing the role of the State Energy Office. The fundamental goal of this program is to provide essential technical information and assistance, both short notice and strategic, to assist the Secretary of Natural Resources in addressing critical issues not already covered by the staffs of the other major offices of the Department.
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The Division provides information and technical assistance to the Legislature, Governor's Office, Congressional Delegation, federal government, and industry, in response to requests or by initiative of the Secretary. Some of the specific activities of the section include:
- Forecast state oil and gas production, depletion and revenue, including long and short term reserves.
- Perform engineering analysis on energy and natural resources issues pertaining to proposed legislation. Evaluate economic and policy considerations on royalties, severance taxes, and other tax issues.
- Analyze diverse subjects and issue areas dealing with the technology of petroleum refining, natural gas processing, drilling activities, oil and gas production, compressed natural gas vehicle fuel, electric power generation, electrical cogeneration, alternative fuels, petrochemicals, and hydrocarbon fuel and feedstock use.
- Investigate critical policy issues for the Secretary of Natural Resources. These include issues that require short turnaround and have not been addressed before, as well as extensive longer term projects of a technical engineering or economics nature.
- Develop and distribute technical information and reports for key decision makers and the public. Publish data on Louisiana energy development and production. Issue reports on cogeneration, refining, and other energy topics of specific interest to Louisiana.
In the role of the State Energy Office it provides advisory assistance and direction to the Secretary of Natural Resources, other state and federal agencies, industry, business, and the general public on energy use, efficiency, supply, and alternatives. It serves as the focal point for coordinating legislation related to energy conservation and energy standards.
The goal of the Louisiana Department of Energy and Natural Resources' Technology Assessment Division is to promote and encourage the use of energy efficient, environmentally responsible and economically feasible technologies which reduce our Nation's dependence on foreign energy supplies, conserve our natural resources, and protect the environment.
For the past twenty-five years, the Technology Assessment Division has been a steward working actively to conserve energy, protect the environment, and create jobs in Louisiana. Currently, the Division is engaged in a variety of unique and innovative energy conservation programs which continue to fulfill our mission of conserving energy and improving Louisiana.