Office of Conservation

The Office of Conservation rules are contained in Title 43 of the Louisiana Administrative Code. The Division of Administration, Office of the State Register, is the official authority responsible for Executive Orders issued by the Governor, the Louisiana Administrative Code, and the monthly Louisiana Register. The Louisiana Administrative Code is a state-certified publication that provides a set of permanent rules which have been formally adopted or amended by Louisiana state agencies.

The State Register offers Office of Conservation rules on its Web site. Connect to the complete list of Titles of the Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43 for more information.

The Office of Conservation rules are provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to view these documents, your browser must have access to the Adobe Acrobat Reader software add-on available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated, San Jose CA. Acrobat Reader allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF files across all major computing platforms. If you don't already have Acrobat Reader, you should contact your information systems technical resource or get Adobe Acrobat Reader now.


Advanced Notices of Possible Rulemaking Actions




Proposed Rules

Rule Notice of Intent* Louisiana Register (Published) Public Hearing Public Comment Deadline Reports

Earliest Effective Date

LAC 43:XI Chapter 35

LAC 43:XIII Chapter 1-35

LAC 33:V Chapters 30103-30505 

NOI Submitted 6/10/2024


Hand Delivered, USPS or email
4:00 p.m.


» Inital Report


LAC 43:XIX.3105 Termination of Units 29-L-3

NOI Submitted 10/10/2023


Hand Delivered, USPS or email
4:30 p.m.



LAC 43:XI Chapter 35 Carbon Dioxide Regulations

NOI Submitted 9/7/2023

9/20/2023    Hand Delivered, USPS or email
4:30 p.m.


» Initial Report



LAC 43:XIX.103, 3503, 3507, 3509, 3511 Venting & Flaring

NOI Submitted 7/7/2023

7/20/2023  11/28/2023 Hand Delivered, USPS or email
4:30 p.m.
Comments Received 


» Summary Report

» Substantive Changes Potpourri

» Revised Summary Report


LAC 43:XIX.137 Inactive Well Assessments

NOI Submitted 7/7/2023


Hand Delivered, USPS or email
4:30 p.m.

Comments Received 


» Summary Report


LAC 43:XIII Chapters 3-35 and LAC 33:V Chapters 301-301 Pipeline Safety Regulations Update

NOI Submitted 3/8/2023


Register Link

3/20/2023   Hand Delivered, or USPS
4:00 p.m.


» Initial Report


LAC 43:XI Chapters 1-47 and LAC 33 Chapters 301-303 Pipeline Safety Regulations Update

NOI Submitted 2/9/2023


Register Link

2/20/2023   Hand Delivered or USPS
4:00 p.m.


» Initial Report


LAC 46:XXXIX Chapters 501 & 509 Professional License: Water Well Drillers

NOI Submitted 1/10/2023

1/20/2023   Hand Delivered or USPS Mail Only
5:00 p.m.


» Initial Report

LAC 56 Chapter 1 303 and 503 for Guidance Manual for Environmental Boreholes and Monitoring Systems NOI Submitted 3/10/2022


  Hand Delivered or USPS Mail Only
4:00 p.m.


» Initial Report

LAC 56 Chapter 1 117 and 119 for Water Well Registration Forms NOI Submitted 8/10/2021


  Hand Delivered or USPS Mail Only
4:00 p.m.


» Initial Report


Archives »

*Disclaimer: The notices accessible within these pages, as required by Act 401 of 2014,  are not certified as the official copies published in the State Register as they may be subsequently revised by the Office of State Register pursuant to La. R.S. 49:983 prior to publishing. Access to official copies of rule making notices are available from the Office of State Register found at this website.


Emergency Rules


Recent Rule Changes


Title 43
Natural Resources

Part IX Office of Conservation Natural Gas Policy Act

Chapter 1. NGPA Well Category Determination Rules and Procedures

Chapter 3. Tight Formation Rules and Procedures

Part XI Office of Conservation Pipeline Division

Subpart 1. Natural Gas and Coal

Subpart 2. Underwater Obstructions

Subpart 3. Pipeline Safety

Subpart 4. Carbon Dioxide

Subpart 5. Compressed Natural Gas

Subpart 6. Damage Prevention

Part XIII Office of Conservation Natural Gas Pipeline Safety

Subpart 1. General Provisions

Subpart 2. Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline (CFR 49 Part 191)

Subpart 3. Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by pipeline: Minimum Safety Standards (CFR 49 Part 192)

 Subpart 4. Drug and Alcohol Testing (CFR 49 Part 199)

Part XV Office of Conservation Surface Mining

Subpart 1. General Information

Subpart 2. Areas Unsuitable for Mining

Subpart 3. Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations Permits and Coal Exploration and Development Procedures Systems

Subpart 4. Bond and Insurance Requirements for Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations

Subpart 5. Permanent Program Performance Standards

Subpart 6. Abandoned Mine Lands

Part XVII Office of Conservation Underground Injection Control

Subpart 1. Statewide Order No. 29-N-1
Chapter 1. Class I, III, IV and V Injection Wells

Subpart 2. Statewide Order No. 29-N-2
Chapter 2. Class I Hazardous Waste Injection Wells

Subpart 3. Statewide Order No. 29-M
Chapter 3. Hydrocarbon Storage Wells in Salt Dome Cavities

Subpart 4. Statewide Order No. 29-M-2
Chapter 31. Disposal of Exploration and Production Waste in Solution-Mined Salt Caverns

Subpart 5. Statewide Order No. 29-M-3
Chapter 33. Class III (Solution-Mining) Injection Wells

Subpart 6. Statewide Order No. 29-N-6
Chapter 36. Class VI Injection Wells

Subpart 7. Statewide Order No. 29-M-5
Chapter 37. Storage Wells in SolutionMined Salt Dome Cavities

Subpart 8. Statewide Order No. 29-N-7
Chapter 38. Class VI Injection Well Supplemental Rules - Fee Schedule

Part XIX Office of Conservation

General Operations

Unitization Guidelines

Subpart 1. Statewide Order No. 29-B
Chapter 1. General Provisions

Chapter 3. Pollution Control - Onsite Storage, Treatment and Disposal of Exploration and Production Waste (E&P Waste) Generated from the Drilling and Production of Oil and Gas Wells (Oilfield Pit Regulations)

Chapter 4. Pollution Control (Class II Injection/Disposal Well Regulations)

Chapter 5. Off-site Storage, Treatment and/or Disposal of Exploration and Production Waste Generated from Drilling and Production of Oil and Gas Wells

Subpart 2. Statewide Order No. 29-R-19/20 and Forward
Chapter 7. Fees (Fees Schedule)

Chapter 8. Alternative Source Well Requirements

Subpart 3. Statewide Order No. 25
Chapter 9. Reporting

Subpart 4. Statewide Order No. 29-B-a
Chapter 11. Required Use of Storm Chokes

Subpart 5. Statewide Order No. 29-C-4
Chapter 13. Multiple Completions

Subpart 6. Statewide Order No. 29-D-1
Chapter 15. Commingling of Oil and Gas Production

Subpart 7. Statewide Order No. 29-E
Chapter 19. Oil and Gas Well Spacing

Subpart 8. Statewide Order No. 29-F
Chapter 21. Allowable Production of Natural Gas

Subpart 9. Statewide Order No. 29-G-1
Chapter 23. Automatic Custody Transfer

Subpart 10. Statewide Order No. 29-H-1
Chapter 25. New Pools

Subpart 11. Statewide Order No. 29-J
Chapter 27. Tubingless Completions

Subpart 12. Statewide Order No. 29-K-1
Chapter 29. Substitute Unit Wells

Subpart 13. Statewide Order No. 29-L-3
Chapter 31. Termination of Units

Subpart 14. Statewide Order No. 31-A
Chapter 33. Record Keeping and Report Filing

Subpart 15. Statewide Order No. 45-I-A
Chapter 35. Gas/Oil Ratios, Allowables and Venting of Natural Gas

Subpart 16. Statewide Order No. 151-A-2
Chapter 37. Statewide Crude Oil Depth Bracket Allowable Schedule

Subpart 17. Procedures for Hearings and Unit and Survey Plat Requirements
Chapter 39. Hearings
Chapter 41. Unit and Survey Plats

Subpart 18. Statewide Order No. 29-S

Subpart 19. Enhanced Recovery
Chapter 45. Produced Water Injection Incentive (Statewide Order No. 29-T)
Chapter 47. Expedited Permit Processing Program


Title 44
Public Records

Section 1 Office of Conservation Well Log Confidentiality

Part 1.B

Title 33
Environmental Quality