Benjamin C. Bienvenu

Main Phone (225) 342-5540
Fax (225) 342-3705

Physical Address
617 North Third Street
LaSalle Building, 9th Floor
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 94275
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804





The Office of Conservation is charged with conserving and regulating oil, gas, and lignite resources of the state. This statutory responsibility is to regulate the exploration and production of oil, gas and other hydrocarbons and lignite; to control and allocate energy supplies and distribution; and to protect public safety and the environment from oilfield waste, including regulation of underground injection and disposal practices.

The Commissioner of Conservation is responsible for administering all activities involving the conservation and development of all natural and mineral resources of the state. The Commissioner also oversees the administration of six divisions and three district offices within the Office of Conservation.

Notices and Updates

» Click here for Injection and Mining Division Notices and Updates

Summary of Class VI Public Comments and Response (9/17/2021)

USEPA Extension Request for LDNR's Class VI Primacy Review Period

Final Class VI USEPA Primacy Application (9/17/2021)

Extension of Class VI USEPA Primacy Application Comment Period

Expedited Processing of Permit Applications

In Memory of La. Department of Energy and Natural Resources' Office of Conservation Lafayette District Manager Richard Hudson (April 28, 1958- April 14, 2017)

Financial Security Requirements -CHANGES- August 2016

Gov. Edwards Names Richard Ieyoub Commissioner of Conservation 1/29/16

New Fees Listed, Act 362 of 2015, starts 8/1/15

New Fees and New Rules for Operators starts 8/1/15

Operator/Producers, Oil Transporters, Gas Transporters, Gas Plants and Refineries are required to file their OR-1: Organization Report on-line

Louisiana Oil and Gas Operators are required to file their DT-1 and DM-1R Well Tests, and Inactive Reports on-line

Pipeline Owners/Operators are required to file their PLS-OR-1: Organization Report on-line

Offshore/Out-Of-State Operators and Commercial Disposal Facility Operators are required to file their EP Form OR-1: Organization Report on-line

Operators are required to file their (UIC-24) Quarterly Class I Waste Disposal Well Reports on-line

Operators are required to file their (UIC-10) Louisiana Class II Saltwater Disposal and Enhanced Recovery Injection Well Reports on-line

Operators are required to submit well logs in electronic format.

Office of Conservation has updated the Well History Form (this form is not to be used for injection wells) and Plug and Abandon Report on the Forms page

Notice of enhanced compliance notification system - operators should ensure contact e-mail addresses on file with the Office of Conservation are correct and up to date.

News and Events

Live stream of Public Hearing for Docket No. IMD 2023-02, Air Products Blue Energy, LLC- Class V Stratigraphic Test Well- Application No. 43739  >>

E & P Waste Commercial Facility Information Now on SONRIS Interactive Map - 5/2/17

"Waterman" video makes a splash with teachers and students - 11/1/16

Emergency Order on Flooding from Office of Conservation - 1/7/16

USGS reports water used for hydralic fracturing varies widely across US - 6/30/15

Commissioner Amends South Caddo Emergency Order- Restrictions Suspended - 6/30/14

News Release Archive >>

Information on Fracturing Technique



» Executive

» Engineering - Administrative

» Engineering - Regulatory

» Environmental Division

» Geological Oil & Gas

» Injection and Mining

» Pipeline

Links of Interest

»Title 43 - Natural Resources (Rules and Regulations)

» DENR GIS Download

» DENR Glossary of Terms

» Rig Count Maps & Energy Exploration Updates

» Statewide Order No. 29-R-19/20 and Forward

» Production and Regulatory Fee Schedule FY 23/24

» Bayou Corne Incident 2012

» Tuscaloosa Marine Shale

» Haynesville Shale

» TMS Presentation Update by Com. Welsh, 9/12/13

» State Water Management for Energy Development, 9/12/13

» Commissioner Extends Emergency Order No. ENV 2011-GW014 (2/29/2012)