Office of Mineral Resources
The Office of Mineral Resources is one of the largest receivers of state revenues. The office receives revenues from royalties, bonuses, rentals, interest, and fees for leases on state-owned lands and water bottoms. Revenues from these sources comprise approximately 15% of the state's general fund. In addition to the general fund, revenues collected also provide major sources of funding for parish governments, school boards, the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, and the Department of Energy and Natural Resources.
Department of Energy and Natural Resources
Office of Mineral Resources
617 North Third Street
LaSalle Building, 8th Floor
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Department of Energy and Natural Resources
Office of Mineral Resources
Post Office Box 2827
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-2827
Phone 225.342.4615
Fax 225.342.4527
New 2019 State Lease Form
The Office of Mineral Resources is pleased to announce that the State Mineral and Energy Board approved a new State Lease Form at the October 9, 2019 Board Meeting. The new Lease Form will apply to all leases awarded beginning with the December 2019 Lease Sale. Additionally, the Royalty Reduction Program that was adopted by the Board at its July 10, 2019 meeting will be effective beginning with the leases granted at the December 2019 Lease Sale.
Resolution #15-08-012 was adopted by the State Mineral and Energy Board at its August 12, 2015 meeting. This Resolution affirms that upon satisfaction of all requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act, the Office of Mineral Resources (OMR) staff is directed to commence assessing to Payors a fee of Sixty-Five Dollars ($65.00) per hour to recoup the costs incurred by OMR for processing requests for reimbursement of overpayments of royalties. This Resolution is effective on all requests for a recoupment received after October 1, 2015.
Click here to view a copy of the resolution.
Resolution #15-08-013 was adopted by the State Mineral and Energy Board at its August 12, 2015 meeting. This Resolution affirms that the OMR Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary be and are hereby authorized to evaluate and process penalty waiver requests for penalties assessed pursuant to La. R.S 30:136.B(2) and La. R.S 30:136.B(3) in amounts up to Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). This Resolution is effective as of October 1, 2015.
Click here to view a copy of the resolution.
Resolution #15-08-014 was adopted by the State Mineral and Energy Board at its August 12, 2015 meeting. This Resolution affirms that the OMR Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary process penalty waiver requests for penalties assessed pursuant to La. R.S 30:136.B(2) in accordance with the set protocol. This resolution is effective as of October 1, 2015.
Click here to view a copy of the resolution.
Proposed new Form A, entitled Acknowledgment and Estoppel Certification, recently noticed for public comment, is currently under revision and later will be posted for further comment.
Similarly, Form D, entitled Designation of Joint Account Lessee, implemented by the State Mineral and Energy Board at its meeting on September 9, 2015, is under revision based upon concerns raised by industry representatives. For this reason, this form need not currently be included in any request for approval of an assignment or other transfer of interest in a State Lease.
Form B (Statement of Conveyance) and Form C (Certification of Bankruptcy Status) must still be submitted for consideration by the Board with any request for approval of an assignment or other transfer.
Click here to view the Form B – Statement of Conveyance
Click here to view the Form C – Certification of Bankruptcy Status
Resolution #15-07-052 was adopted by the State Mineral and Energy Board at its July 8, 2015 meeting. This Resolution applies to the fee authorized by La. R.S. 30:128 in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for reviewing, researching, and processing requested transfers and assignments of Leases of minerals or mineral rights owned by the State. This fee will be applied to each Lease for which an interest is requested to be transferred or assigned. This Resolution is effective as of July 8, 2015. Click here to view a copy of the resolution
This is a change from the fee assessment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each individual document of conveyance, regardless of the number of Leases to which the document may apply, to a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each Lease within an individual document of conveyance for which a transfer or assignment is requested.
Effective August 1, 2015, Act 362 of the 2015 Regular Legislative Session changed the oil and gas regulatory fund fee from five dollars ($5.00) to fifteen dollars ($15.00). The fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee for the Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation Fund remains unchanged. Therefore, the twenty dollar ($20.00) per acre fee will now be thirty dollars ($30.00) per acre. A separate check in this amount made payable to the Office of Mineral Resources shall accompany the original bid (inside the sealed bid envelope).
The new Lignite or Coal Mining Lease form was adopted by the State Mineral and Energy Board on September 9, 2015. Click here to view the Lignite or Coal Mining Lease Form
The State Mineral and Energy Board is considering a proposed new mineral lease form for lignite. A draft of the full text of the proposed lease form may be accessed by clicking here.
Important Information for Bidders: View here |
Criteria for Waiver of Liquidated Damages for the Late Release of a State Mineral Lease |
Royalty Adjustments Resolution effective 7/14/2010 |