DENR Visitors

LaSalle Parking Garage and Security


The LaSalle Parking Garage is available to DENR visitors at no charge. The Human Resources Division can validate visitors with either a one-day quick pass or a multiple-day reservation pass. To validate parking for DENR visitors, please send the following information to before the visitor arrives:

  • Date(s) of visit
  • Duration of visit (start and end time, if available)
  • Vehicle plate number

A QR code is available in the HR Suite (suite 1265) for visitors to scan and input their vehicle license plate number for a one-day (12-hour) validation.



After entering the LaSalle Building, visitors must check-in at the Visitor Center and present proof of identification before proceeding through security. The security desk will then grant the visitor access to the specific DENR area they are visiting within the LaSalle Building.


Please click here for an excerpt from the updated OSB Facilities Manual regarding state parking garages. This information should cover any questions you or your visitors might have about the LaSalle Parking Garage.