Office of Conservation
Pipeline Operations Program
Under the Natural Resources and Energy Act of 1973, Act 16 of the 1973 Extraordinary Session of the Louisiana Legislature gave responsibility to the Commissioner of Conservation for regulating Louisiana's intrastate natural gas pipeline network. Title 30 outlines the specific statutes for Louisiana's regulatory process; whereas, the Federal Natural Gas Act governs the practices of the interstate natural gas companies.
The Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA) was one of five pieces of legislation that U.S. Congress passed in 1978 that comprised the National Energy Act. The NGPA, among other things, brought the unregulated intrastate natural gas market under Federal control by setting price ceilings on most intrastate and interstate gas until 1985 and permitted them to transport natural gas on each other's behalf.
Pursuant to the NGPA, the Commissioner of Conservation, exercised power and authority, by issuing a "Policy Statement" to Louisiana's regulated intrastate companies regarding NGPA Section 311 transportation and sales. The statement waives the need for a public hearing when all jurisdictional interconnections involved are existing and previously heard under Section 311 transportation arrangements and allows the applicant to file his request under a ten-day "Notice and Protest" procedure. If no protest is received from interested parties within the allowed time frame, then the transportation agreement is approved. This allowed the intrastate companies to enter into agreements and move the gas in a more expeditious manner.
In 1986, the Pipeline Operations section promulgated rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of intrastate carbon dioxide pipelines where carbon dioxide is transported by pipeline in a gaseous state. These regulations carried similar type requirements as those for natural gas pipelines but included safety language consistent with the safety regulations.
With the increased interest in "Compressed Natural Gas" (CNG), rules and regulations were promulgated in 1992, to address requirements for CNG vehicle fueling stations. These regulations applied to the design and installation of CNG vehicle fuel systems and CNG systems used for compression, storage, sale, transportation, delivery, or distribution of CNG for use in automobiles.
To access Pipeline Operations regulations click below and review Subpart 1 for Natural Gas and Coal; Subpart 4 for Carbon Dioxide; and Subpart 5 for Compressed Natural Gas:
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