Technology Assessment Division

Wind Energy


As of 2009, the United States produced 73,886,132 megawatt-hours of energy per year from wind resources.  However, climatic conditions limit the potential for wind generation in Louisiana.

Evaluating Wind Energy Potential in Louisiana
September 1981 Report

Offshore Wind Power

Offshore Louisiana Wind Power
December 2004 Energy Topic explains the basics of wind-generated electricity in Louisiana

Economics of Offshore Wind Power
February 2005 artciel presents a simple economic analysis for a nominal 50 MW offshore wind farm after a discussion of the key inputs and assumptions

Offshore Wind Resource Maps

Wind Resource Maps of Offshore Louisiana
2007 Report prepared for DENR by AWS Truewind, LLC

Individual Maps:

Mean Wind Speed at 50 Meter Elevation (PDF)
Mean Wind Speed at 90 Meter Elevation (PDF)
Mean Wind Speed at 150 Meter Elevation (PDF)
Mean Wind Speed at 300 Meter Elevation (PDF)

Federal Incentives

Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit
The federal government offers a 30% tax credit for the purchase and installation of a renewable energy system that serves a dwelling unit located i nthe United States that is owned and used as a  residence by the taxpayer.

Program Overview
An overview of the Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit by DSIRE™