Sulphur Mines Investigation


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This page was last updated on 06/3/2024 at 9:49:12 AM.




Bathymetric Surveys and Maps

Q1 2024 - received 2-5-2024

Q2 2024 - received 4-15-2024

Q2 2024 (with differential contours) - received 5-11-2024


Current Dome Maps


LDENR Area of Concern (AOC) for Sulphur Mines Dome:

Click here for full-size version (.pdf)


Sulphur Mines Dome with Westlake property boundary:

Dome Map

Click here for full-size version (.pdf)


Thermal Image of Sulphur Mines Dome (February 17, 2023)

Temperature Drone Map of Sulphur

Click here for full-size version (.pdf)


Top of Salt (TOS) Dome Contour Map for Sulphur Mines Dome (2020):

Click here for full-size version (.pdf)



Top of Salt Map - November 2023 Update

Click here for full-sized document (.pdf)


Top of Caprock Map - November 2023 Update

Click here for full-sized document (.pdf)



Top of Salt with Distances Map - November 2023 Update


 Click here for full-sized document (.pdf)


REPORT: Sulphur Mines Salt and Caprock Methodology - Received 10/27/2023